
Under Pressure

Friday, June 17, 2016

What stresses you out? Homework? Family? Finances?
What would you consider a crisis? The loss of a loved one? A body ridden with cancer?

Congratulations. If you shook your head to any of these or are experiencing any of these currently, you are normal. You are also being abundantly blessed. Yep, that's right. Its a blessing to be stressed or in the middle of a crisis.

Trust me, I am the last person who is going to convince you that being tired, stressed out, anxious, or depressed is actually a blessing.

Stressors in family dynamics will certainly try your patience at every whit. A crisis will do so ten fold, and if you are not careful, either one of these will break you down. It will permanently change your family roles, tear at the seams of your marriage, and hurt your Spirit. You are probably wondering why any of this sounds like a blessing.
Let me explain.

President Uchtdorf of the First Presidency of the Church once said, "It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself that determines how your story will develop." I have thought a lot about this, especially right now. I am working 32 hours a week, and I am taking 15 credits. The semester is over half way over, and I am completely broke. If I don't work the hours I don't get to eat or keep a roof over my head. If I work more hours, my sleep and studies take the hit. It is a pretty vicious cycle for me right now, and I am doing all I can not to let the stress completely over take me.

The Book of Mormon teaches us that it is through opposition that we actually experience JOY. Yes, Joy. Eternal happiness and bliss is the promised outcome when we endure all of lifes pain, sorrow and sadness. We face conflict that produces stress every day, and sometimes that turns into a crisis.
Luckily the good Lord intended for us to be in family. He intended us to be married, to have children, and to lean on those closest to us. I don't know about you, but the ones I love the most are always my biggest form of support.

Death, abuse (physical, emotional, sexual or otherwise), addiction, work or lack there of... all of these things contribute to family crisis'. These things will cause you to believe that they are going to rule your whole life. Consume who you are from the inside out. How do we stop that process dead in its tracks?

We communicate. We talk to our spouse and our children. We discuss the possible outcomes of things that may become difficult for our family in the future and we prepare ourselves. We learn the principle of forgiveness. Not only forgiving those who have made mistakes that were at our peril, but the forgiveness of ourselves when we are the ones making the mistakes. We remember that EVIL IS STUPID.

Satan is so dumb! If he really wanted us to stray from the Lords plan, he would leave us the heck alone. Sin, trials, heartache and whatever else he may send our way, actually give us the chance to band together as families and use the atonement.
Not only to repent, receive forgiveness, and to feel guilt free, but also to overcome personal weakness and receive strength when we feel like we cant make it over the hump. What better way to strengthen our families than to come together and go to the Lord?

Opposition is a huge part of Gods plan of happiness. We cant appreciate the times that feel free and easy if we don't know what it feels like to be stuck and sad.

So my friends, the next time you feel under pressure. No matter the circumstance, go to your spouse. Hug your children. Communicate, make a plan, and keep the Lord involved. Remember that the trials we experience in this life are designed to prepare us for glory here after.

Also, remember Satan sucks.

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